Sunday, March 30, 2014


The fundamental Concept:

When the term 'education' hits your ears, what is the first thing that pops up in your mind?  School, text books, memmorizing, dialogues such as 'A for Apple, B for ball,' geography, history, math...

Well, that is what most of you would think.  Let us try to understand the concept of education on a more fundamental level...on a level where it is 'equal' to all.

Education is directly linked with our evolution.  The cerebral cortex or what we might also call, the Human part of the brain, needs stimulation all the time in order to survive.  If not stimulated, the brain cells turn fatigue and eventually die as well.  Now, how do we exactly stimulate our cerebral cortex?

The answer is, by thinking; combination of creative and analytical thinking which should have its direction towards reality.  Are you thinking, "what the hell does that mean??"
Well, let me explain with an example.
We all know that every building or structure that is built, first has a BLUEPRINT.  A referance page that has all the details about that structure from a light bulp knob to sinks and taps.  The building is built based on that blueprint.

The direction of thinking here, is from the engineer's/arcitect's mind (these guys first think creatively to build something new, then they analyse its validity based on natures laws) to the Blueprint (this is where the final thought is brought into relaity on paper) and finally, to the final output (the completion of the journey of a thought to reality!)
Woah!!!  Some thought process!  And yes, if you are thinking in this way, then you are stimulating your mind.
And THAT, is what the true purpose and function of 'education' is.  To stimulate the cerebral cortex.  IF that is not happening you are not educating yourself.

Creative and Analytical thinking are the two main aspects for 'exercising the cerebral cortex' and to keep the human part of us alive.

Note that we have evolved from single celled orgainsms to reptelian creatures to mammalian creatures to Human Beings and during this process, one brain functioning system was built upon the other.  This means, our reptilian brain and the mammmalian brain is also still there underneath the Human part of our brain which is known as the cerebral Cortex.

The Reptelian brain is also known as R-complex (R stands for reptile) and the lymbic system is the mammalian brain part.

So if we don't stimulate the cerebral cortex, then, as said before, the cells turn fatigue and eventually die.  And as the cells die, the influence of the R-complex starts arising up.  Our actions and decisions are more influenced by the R-complex and hence reptilian tendancies are seen in our actions.

Territoriallism, dominance, supression, agression, surrendrance, etc. all are the traits of Reptiles.

The wars that we human beings go on, are nothing more than territorialism...a reptelian trait.  There are people who consider themselves greater than others and they tend to DOMINATE others...once again, reptelian tendancy.  Then there are those who consider themselves weak and do whatever the dominating guys tell them to do....Surrendrance, another reptelian trait.

Hence, we can conclude that a truly educted being would never dominate over others and would never surrender if someone 'more powerful' comes up and starts dominating it as well!!

That is the true importance of education.  If 'impossible' situations arrise, then the truly educated person would use its creative and anylatical thinking to get out of the situation.  That truly educated being has no limits and can do literally accomplish a given task.

A truly educated being would use entertainment just as a stress buster....and not as a way of life.  Because that person would know that entertainment as a way of life would mean letting the Reptelian traits take over oneself.
Evolution has truly given us a lot....its about time we evolved to the next phase of human existance.


A part of this topic is covered up in the Silence part of the Fundamental concepts and Definations tab.  After studying the concept of silence we will now try to understand what meditation actually is.

We all are aware of the 5 sense organs.  The senses of sight, hearing, tasting, feeling and smelling.  We all, generally, have tools such as hands and legs which we use to manipulate the given situations and take actions.

Now, there are times when suddenly you feel a fit of anger or times when there is this deep broken down feeling runnig down from your chest to your lower abdomen.  You try to figure out what it actually is.  Once you sense the source of a problem, it is easy to manipulate it out of our way OR manipulate ourselves out of the way of the problem, BUT, we just can't seem to sense what or where the source of the problem really is.

That is where the concept of Meditation comes into action.  Out of its many purposes and implications, SENSING the different aspects of the non-physical realm is one of its first and foremost purposes.

Once you have learnt to SENSE your thoughts and emotional status and much more, then you can manipulate your thought system to control your emotions.  This one of the most best advantages of meditation as things start from here...the non-physical realm.

Lets take an example to understand the same:

There is an old enemy of yours who you haven't faced in 5 years and suddenly he shows up in front of you.  Then the emotion of anger is triggered withing you which in turn brings up the memmories of the time 5 years back about how he cause you terrible pain and suffering.  The emotions of anger is so strong a flow, that even your thoughts start flowing with it.  One memmory after the in OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), a chain of thoughts start flowing in your mind on which the Anger feeds and as the anger gets stronger, so does the flow of thoughts.  And not only do the memmories of the past pop up, but also, in your mind you start to visualize how you would punch that teeth out of the guys face and how you would kick him...all is visualized in great detail.

Now, just as you are approaching the bad guy, you are thinking about giving him the punch of a life time and the mighty kick of glory, SUDDENLY, you realize that you are in a fit of anger.  You realize that your actions are based on thoughts of the past and also the fact that thoughts based on ANY negative emotions will bring pain and suffering in near future, if not now.  Then via self talk, you tell your self to calm down... you make a conversation happen with yourself.  You make your thought system more powerful than your emotions.  You LEARN TO CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS via YOUR THOUGHT SYSTEM.
This you can do by practicing mediation.  Awareness is everything.  Once you became aware of the fact that your thoughts were based on a negative emotions and the results are going to be painful, you controlled them.  Because no on would WANT pain and suffering in their one would invite it...atleast not knowingly.

So by the grace of meditation, here, we managed to manipulate a group of thoughts in such a way that they would bring under control the negative emotion of anger and hence, bring peace, not only in our inner self, but olso OUTSIDE.... ;-)

So now, we can conclude two points here:

1) Meditation is fundamentally a sense concept, used for sensing aspects of the non-physical realms.

2) Via meditation, we can manipulate concepts of our non-physical realm such as emotions and thoughts for inner-peace and much more.

LOVE and RELATIONSHIPS: What is Love and what it isn/t?

Love, is a purely emotional concept.  It is connection between the emotional self of a sentient being and another being or thing.  It is also the purest form of energy which tends to PROVOKE beings to do things which are considered impossible.

Let us see the concept in parts.
First we will see the connection of a Sentient being with another object:

This can be observed in artists a lot.  The connection between An Artist and His/Her insturment...for example, flute (as I am a Flute player, it would be easier for me to explain).
These connections are generally triggered from the physical realm.  For example, one could have heard another artist performing a flute recital or heard the melodious composition while travelling somewhere.  What actually happens, that the sound actually by-passes the thought realm and directly 'HITS' the emotional realm.
When this happens, the persons thought realm is, in a way, 'malfunctioned' and automatically goes into a state of mediation and gets de-linked from EVERY thought that ever existed in his/her mind.

That is when 'Love for the Art' starts to exist and literally, pulls the sentient being into that art.  The art becomes the purpose for existance of that artist and he/she finds the path to fulfillment by itself.  No one has to tell that person what to one has to educate that person.  The concept of SELF-EDUCATION starts to exist and  noone can stop that person from gaining the knowledge.

Now, let us see the love connection between beings:

This one is a slightly complicated one as the Law of Free Will plays a very unique role in it.  Meaning of one siede connection : One of the beings has been HIT on the emotional level directly and the other hase'nt been hit for THAT first person, then it would be consider as a one sided connection or one sided love.

The law of free will clearly states that two wills can never conflict with each other.  In the above scenario, the will of the first person is conflicting with the will of the other.  The first person wills to love the second but the second person does not.  Here the conflict arises.  In this situation, it is required that the first person, the one who loves, withdraw his feelings, control his emotions and move on.

IF he/she fails to do so, pain and suffering arrises.  It is especially painful for the lover, because the energy is literally wasted upon the other person, draining the focus, attention and caringness for oneself.
That is why it is usually advised, 'Love yourself first..."  :-)

The two sided love, what can also be considered as true love, is the greatest of achievements that one can ever have.
In some cases, where love JUST HAPPNES, both the beings get connected on the emotional level, the thought level and then the physical level.  The connection and complimenting of energy on this level is so strong, that all the fear and other negative emotion based thoughts for the thought level literally get flushed out and one way or the other the beings find a way to fulfill the connection on the physical level as well.

Now, it is especially important to note that a love connection cannot be fully created and established JUST on the emotional level.  Things need to be brought in action as well.  If two beings are falling in love and due to parental pressure, for example, (happens a LOT in India) the female being is giving up on the relation, then that cannot be called as true love or two sided love.  The female in the example, is giving in to fear created by the supressive nature of her parents.  She is not trying to 'win the hearts' or attack the negative emotions withing the emotional selves of the parents in order to achieve the completeness of the relation.

In such a case, it becomes the responsibility of the other person to back off from that relation, practice self control in order to gain control over the 'loose emotions' and move on.  Ones with strong control over their thought system manage to do it easily, others, commit rape and murders.

The people who are EDUCATED IN ITS TRUE SENSE (we will see what true education is in future chapter) easily control themselves and steer out of the situation.  They are truly noble beings and achieve a lot in life...and also get wounderful life partners who they deserve.

Very unique concept, LOVE is!